Garment Creation – Know the Basic Seams

garment creation courses

How well do you know about the seams in your garments? Never gave it much thought, right? Well, it’s one of the basic elements of any garment making exercise. The seam is, in simple words, the stitching of two layers of fabrics or materials. For example, while making garments and accessories, leather is mostly stitched with a different layer of fabric.

In garment creation online course, seam allowance is given while joining different parts of the attire. Seam allowance is the distance between the stitch and the garment’s edge. It helps in keeping different parts of the garment together and give it flexibility when a small amount of resizing is done.

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Hamstech Online’s Garment Creation courses deliver knowledge in theoretical and practical areas of making garments right from the foundations. In the course of learning the subject, you can practically understand the relevance of seams. The alignment and sizing of fabric layers and the types of stitches involved in joining them form the important aspects of the practice of creating seams.

Are you considering taking up garment making online courses? Then you would like to know about the different types of basic seams. Here they are:

Plain Seam

This is the most common seam. It involves joining two pieces of fabrics by sewing through its right sides. It is on the inside that the seam allowance is made visible.

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Flat-felled Seam

This is the strongest seam among the basic types, it sets the raw edges hidden. This is applied to garments like jeans as it brings a neat finish.

French Seam

This is the seam type that is known for making the wrong side of the garment feel like the right side. Used mostly on baby clothing, it involves sewing the wrong sides together first to be trimmed and pressed. Then the right sides are sewn together, leading to hiding the original seam.

Lapped Seam

This type of seam has two or more fabric layers stacked one over the other, and sewn. It’s mostly used with heavy and thick fabrics.

There are many variations of these basic seam types. You can learn about them with Hamstech Online’s Garment Creation courses.

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