A thought that most people have is one thing “Is fashion designing a choice of career I can explore?” Most people now-a-days are trying to step away from traditional career fields like medicine or engineering and making creative career choices. People are now looking to have a career that is fulfilling and is creative to keep their work an interesting aspect of their life. Fashion designing happens to be one of those fields.
The first thing that comes to mind about fashion designing is the glamour and no doubt, there is glamour and there is the whole scenario of being in the midst of beautiful art and creating masterpieces. But fashion designing is way more than that. Being a fashion designer doesn’t only mean that you get to work with brilliant designers and superstars. It is more than just having your own label and getting recognition by doing what you love.
With the rise of fashion designing as a potential career choice, the competition has peaked. You could look at any of the fashion designing colleges and you’ll know that it requires an equal amount of effort from students. There will always be competition and there is always going to be a great masterpiece on the brink.

Source- Unsplash
As a fashion designer, your competition will not only be other designers, but also your own designs. In fact, most of the fashion designing colleges are here to help you achieve just that.
With the abundance of opportunities that are right at their feet, there is no shortage of students looking for a career in fashion designing and truth be told, they are all aiming for success. With fashion designing, there is sure to earn more than one skill that enables students for more opportunities in art.
Although fashion designers are creative powerhouses themselves, it is no secret that they will need help from time to time. Sometimes, even the interns at a fashion house can produce a piece that becomes the image of the brand.
This only proves that the fashion industry is the kind where only risk-takers get the prize. It is also proven that the industry is growing rapidly. With more accessible fashion for all, most people are looking towards growing their horizons with experimental fashion.
And that is the news that every fashion designer wants to hear. It is their chance to highlight their creative talent and change how a person looks at fashion.
With the massive shift in how people look at fashion, the colleges are hopeful that more and more students will find their opportunities to shine and make their space in the industry. It is definitely a breath of fresh air for everyone.
First and foremost, there is more to fashion designing than just creating clothes. You could explore so many other options within the world of fashion, in fact, there is something for everyone when it comes to fashion designing. You can truly find your match and line of work in fashion designing if you just have enough patience to sit and find out what you love doing.
1.Fashion Illustrator
One aspect of designing fashion is illustration. As a fashion illustrator you will be responsible for bringing the idea to paper. You will be one of the core people who will be able to develop pieces of clothing with your illustrations. Checkout this trial class to know more about our Fashion Illustration course.
It is going to be amazing; it is also going to be the kind of work that demands for you to improve your creativity and thus, you have a perfect blend of working towards a creative concept and personal skill growth. Isn’t that what most people are dying to look for in a job?
You could also have an eye for fabrics and garment designing is one of the options for you to explore in fashion designing. With new trends and new expectations of fashion in the industry, there is a high chance that garment designing will be one of the first things that comes to mind.
With a rich history in India and garment designing, there is so much to explore within the field. There are so many pieces of garments that came in from centuries and so many that are lost. The techniques of making the garment from the thread and the methods of acquiring the threads are one of the intriguing parts of the garment making process.
You could be a part of that process if you want to go the industrial way in the fashion industry. And like any other option you read earlier, there is so much more for you in garment making.
2.Accessory Designer
Apparels are one of the centers of attractions for fashion enthusiasts. Sometimes, it is just not the clothes but the rest that create the look. You could pick one of many other fields like shoe designing, bag making or jewellery designing. Of course, these are a little different than making clothes but isn’t the gist of all the same? Simply making everything beautiful?
It is an exciting time to go your new way because people are looking for new things, and if you can give them, you have got yourself a great career. An amazing thing about fashion is that it is evolving every day. There will be something new brewing up in fashion every single day and it is totally up to you on how to make the best use of it.
Jewellery is an all-time favorite in India and in fact everywhere. Jewellery is now evolving too; most people are preferring to wear something that is practical and beautiful. Something that can be used on more than one occasion and still shine. That only brings in more opportunities for designers.

All of that sounds absolutely fine, but what would be the best course of action for a college student? Enrolling in a course for fashion designing. There are so many colleges that offer you a better opportunity for learning and give you a chance at a creative career.
You can also find courses that offer the same support. Hunar Online has more than 10 courses that will help you with choosing a creative career path in fashion. You can start by enrolling into their free trial classes and download the app so you do not miss out on any updates from Hunar Online.
Most fashion designers have at least a bachelor’s degree. They, like any other graduate student, go through the grueling process of an education but fashion designing, however, is a fun educational process. It is more of a creative process of learning and teaching, unlike textbooks.
There will, of course be theory and you will be expected to have a memory to remember, but this will not be overpowering your whole education in fashion designing considering you will have more practical exams to get to.
It is also refreshing to see more and more students having the option to pick the creative side for a career and that makes improvements in the way careers are looked upon. Fashion designing offers you the best of both worlds.
You could pick a job as a fashion designer at a firm and have the stability of a job. You could get creativity and stability, both with fashion designing. And most important is that you have a skill. You now know how to make something so that could be the base of your own firm one day.
Fashion designing also offers an option to you as a fashion house owner or a boutique owner if you are into making something of your own. The options and possibilities are truly endless with fashion designing, it is all up to you to find your favorite.
On the topic of finding favorites, what do you think is the reason most people are looking towards creative sides for careers? It gives them the freedom of expression that most mundane jobs do not offer. Every piece you create will reflect your identity, which is the most important aspect of having a great work life balance.
So, if your thoughts are to pick the creative side of things for a career, I suggest taking it. I suggest taking an online course considering the world needs a little bit of healing now. You could still learn everything that you want without risking anything.

Source- Unsplash
Fashion designing is an art and you most definitely can be an artist. The choices to pick your field are obviously yours but you should also consider how that choice is going to affect the career. You should be aware and prepared for the course because yes, it will sometimes need extra effort on your part.
Infact, you should pick a field of fashion that you think will be best for you. You should be aware of what kind of creation you will enjoy the most. You could simply enjoy making shoes, or you could enjoy making clothes, but will you enjoy doing both? Or is your favorite time designing and learning about jewellery?
Every field of fashion is unique and needs you to have the patience and the persistence to work through it and make your mark. You just need the right kind of support to shine through it. Most times, the support comes in the form of mentors.
A course that offers you full guidance will be the key to understanding your art better and if you are looking towards making a substantial way of understanding how this works, you can check out Hunar Online.
Hunar online has one of the most sought-after fashion courses you can enroll in. You can also start learning from their free trial class and download their app to never miss a thing from Hunar Online.
Keeping your creative preferences in check, you can pick a field of fashion designing that will be your own niche. The courses or colleges will definitely help you and your aims in making a creative career. What comes down to a successful career is sticking to it.
Fashion designing is fun, fortuitous and comes with a brighter future. If you are looking to make a plunge into it, now is the time for you to do it and shine.
Like any other field, fashion designing is a demanding work. It will need you to work towards your goals and like any other field, you will be expected to work towards improving your skills to make it on your own in the beautiful and strong world of fashion.