Clothes like other consumable durables have a shelf life too. After the clothing in one’s wardrobe has led an extended and highly productive life, it calls for a goodbye. One should always try and reuse clothes instead of throwing them away. So,if one has become bored of them or if they no longer fit. With some help from fashion styling tips, A piece of clothing can be re-cycled, handcrafted and transformed into something new or can be given away to the needy. Hence, the possibilities are endless when it comes to creating new fashion.
Do you get easily attached to your clothes, like kurtis, jackets, sarees, western wear etc? Don’t worry, you can reuse them to create a new fashion style. Since each clothing item is made out of a different fabric, the fabric can be used in endless ways. Like for home interior décor, making designer bags, reselling innovated garments and so on. You can learn more about such hacks from online fashion design courses. Here is a list of ideas you can use to make new fashion styles with old clothes.
Fashion Styling Tips to Reuse Fabrics:
1. Reusing Sarees
The fabric from old beautiful coloured sarees can be used to wrap around a boring hair band and make them new and stylish again. Also, the same old saree can be used and turned into a tote or cloth bag. Many designer bags can be made using this technique. One can totally use these fancy tote bags while stepping out to get groceries or items from vendors and never pay another penny for plastic or expensive jute bags. With these fashion styling tips, you can create various fashion styles for yourself and your kids using sarees since they are huge pieces of fabrics.

Image source: Amazon
2. Fashion Styling Tips – Reusing Old Tops
Cute and glamorous but old or boring polyester tops can be used to wrap a girt or present. So, one can cut a piece of cloth in large sized circles (or depending upon the size of the gift which is to be wrapped) and use them as a gift wrapper. These old tops can also be used for making designer bags just like sarees. Use of patterned clothing or glittery skirts can be the best type of items for this particular hack.

Image source: BuzzFeed
3. Reusing Old T-shirts
Have a comfortable, soft and dear t-shirt which has faded yet your soul doesn’t wish to get rid of it? Firstly, that’s not a problem at all. The t-shirt brings one comfort, and the fadedness stops one from wearing it, but it can be made to create a new fashion style. It can also be used to create other home interior décor items like pillowcases. The same types of comfortable t-shirts can be tailored carefully into a pillowcase and be used to make your pillow softer.
4. Fashion Styling Tips – Reusing Old Woollen Clothes
Old woollen wear can be used by being weaved into a quilt and other home interior décor items. Depending upon the size of the cloth available, it can be used to keep a baby or young kind warm and cozy. So, the same woollen piece of clothing can be used to make a fluffy and squishy soft toy by giving it a desired shape and stuffing cotton into it and sewing it up. If it’s a teddy bear or an animal one can stick shirt buttons and give it more character and look.
5. Using Different Pieces of Old Clothes
Patchwork curtains might be a special addition to any home if one likes a bohemian look. Curtains are the most important item when it comes to home interior décor. To start, take measurements of the current curtain. After which, from one’s old clothing, cut several similar-sized squares of the old garments and stitch them to make a huge curtain that can hang in your living room.

Image source: Tanis Fiber Arts
6. Reusing Old Jeans
You can revamp your fashion style by making shorts out of old jeans. Fashion isn’t about buying new accessories and clothes, instead its about looking and pairing one’s outfit in the best possible manner and look apt for the destination. One doesn’t need money; one only needs a creative brain. These shorts look extremely trendy and can be the best outfit for your next vacation. Making shorts out of jeans is a very widely used trick but it never fails to impress!

Image source: YouTube
7. Using Other Fabrics
Another way of using old fabrics is by using them to make clothes as well as home interior décor items like bedsheets and bedcovers for one’s pet dogs and/or cats. If one has a tiny dog or cat, one can make a slipcover or a small bed using a bedsheet and a large t-shirt. If your pet is larger than one top, use the bedsheet method to make this small bed. Just sew these fabrics from 3 directions leaving a small gap on the fourth side. Fill the cushion with even more old pieces of clothes through the gap and your new pet bed is ready!
If you don’t want to create any new pieces of fabrics using your old garments, you can still consider giving these clothes to the needy rather than just throwing them away.
If you want to learn more about making fabrics and fashion designing, you should take up an online fashion course. Hunar Online Courses is a platform that offers a wide range of courses in the field of fashion designing and has enabled many women across India to start their own business. At Hunar Online, you will get access to detailed video lessons and can learn from anywhere. You will get 24/7 faculty support and a chance to learn from the experts of the industry.
So, what are you waiting for? Join Hunar Online Courses and start paving a new path to your career.