For women, handbags are an important part of the outfit. Not only are handbags very useful in carrying essential items, they also help in making an outfit look more stylish. If you are someone who does not like carrying handbags, it’s probably because you have never found the right ones. Every woman has that one favourite handbag which they absolutely love and don’t want to let go of. Designer bags are becoming increasingly popular among young women and everyone wants to own at least one designer bag.
If we look at the timeline from the last 10 years, bag designs have changed a lot. From the size, colour to the type of the bag, everyone has different preferences. Brands that make designer bags have constantly tried to make handbags look more stylish over the years. There are some bag designs that have been very popular in the recent years and can go with multiple outfits. Here are a few types of handbags that were the most popular in 2020:
5 Most Popular Designer Bags in 2020
Handbags are something we can never get enough of. There is no such thing as “too many handbags”. When it comes to designer bags, there are several types of bags that one can choose from. These are the 5 most loved types of handbags in 2020:
1. Sling Bags
Sling bags are the most popular types of bags among young women. These came into popularity a few years back and since then have been everyone’s favourite. The good part about a sling bag is that it is compact, stylish and can fit all the essentials that women may require on the go. Wear any type of dress or outfit, you can always pair sling bags with it. The bag designs in the sling bag category are becoming very different and unique. Many designer brands are now also shifting to making creative sling bags. Sling bags come in different shapes and sizes, the latest one being a circle shaped sling bag. Sling bags are easy to carry because your shoulder handles it all! Sling bags need to be of the right length for them to be comfortable. But any and every sling bag can add a lot of style to your outfit. So, if you don’t have a sling bag yet, its time you get one.
Image source: Pinterest
2.Hobo Bag
Hobo bags are extremely artistic and have the room to fit a lot of stuff. The bag designs of hobo bags are generally look very artsy and rustic. These bags are slowly becoming more popular because of their unique shape and size. Hobo bags slump down in an asymmetrical shape when you put your stuff inside of them. Despite their unique bag design, hobo bags are what can make you look ‘cool’. They can be paired with any outfit but go best with casual wear. Hobo bags are not designer bags since they are made of cloth and are not very expensive to stitch. The best type of hobo bags are available on the streets.
Image source: Vogue India
3.Tote Bags
A tote bag is a rectangular shape bag that can be made of various materials. The most commonly used materials to make tote bags are cloth and leather. Since the shape of the bag is very simple, it is not that complicated to make. There is not a lot of variety in the bag designs of various tote bags. They are just rectangular shaped long bags that one can wear on their shoulder. A tote bag generally doesn’t have more than 2 sections but can accommodate a lot of belongings. Brands that make designer bags are trying to introduce different variations in tote bags but a simple design is what always works. Just like sling bags, tote bags can also look cool with any outfit and add more style value to your look. Tote bags made with leather are the best choice if you are someone who likes to carry the same bag on all outfits.
Image source: Pinterest
A clutch is a type of bag that goes best with party wear or traditional wear outfits. A clutch is an extremely small and compact type of bag that does not fit a lot of your stuff. They are best to carry only your essentials like your wallet, comb, mobile and some makeup. This is why a clutch should only be used on special occasions. Bag designs in the clutch section are extremely varied. Some clutches are very fancy while some others are just plain, simple and elegant. If you are someone who often attends weddings and goes to parties, you should invest in multiple clutches that will go well with different types of outfits.
Image source: Forbes
A satchel is an extremely cute type of bag that is very popular nowadays. A satchel is a small rectangular bag that is generally carried on the shoulder. Satchels are bags with a hard covering and hence do not lose their shape when you put stuff in them. Satchel bag designs are fairly simple but they can make anyone carrying them look extremely adorable. If you are someone who does not need to carry a lot of stuff, a satchel can be your best friend.
Image source:Pinterest
Hunar Online Courses is a learning platform that offers bag making classes. A bag making course with Hunar Online will teach you all about the different types of bags and how you can make them easily from home. Hunar Online provides certificates after completing your course that are sure to help you start your own business. For all courses, Hunar Online provides sessions with experts who are available 24/7 to clarify your doubts and help you every step of the way.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a creative course with Hunar Online today.